Our products: Stollen-Specialiaty´s
- Marzipanstollen 1000g in a decorative case | with 21% raw marzipan and 13% Butter
- Marzipanstollen 1000g in a metallbox | with 21% raw marzipan and 13% Butter
- Marzipanstollen 1000g
- Marzipanstollen 2000g im Geschenkkarton | with 22% raw marzipan and 13% Butter
- Marzipanstollen 2000g
- Marzipanstollen
- Chocolatestollen 1000g in a decorative case
- Chocolatestollen 1000g in a metal box
- Chocolatestollen 1000g
- Schokostollen 250g with 30% Kuvertüre and 8% almond
- Schokostollen 500g im Geschenkkarton
- Schokostollen 500g
- Chocolate-Stollen